
Monday, December 31, 2012

The Costumes of "Confessions of a Seamstress" - 2012

Wow. 2012 was a huge year for me, sewing-wise. My business took off with a bang in the spring and hasn't let up since. Halloween was insane, and the orders just keep coming in! And somehow I still managed to find time to sew some personal items and presents for friends and family members. Not to mention my quilting obsession...

Anyhow, this post is a summery of all the costumes I did this year, with a link to the relevant photo diary (if one exists).

Queen Regina Headpiece (2nd replica)

Are you looking for a costume of your own? Want something reproduced or designed? Check out my commission page for more information, or visit "Your Little Princess Costume Design" if you're looking for a child's piece.

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Welcome to the discussion! Please note that due to chronic illness, I am no longer taking commissions of any kind.

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