
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Costumes of OUAT - Season 2, Part 1

I had so much fun blogging about the season one costumes, that of course I had to do another post this time around! But I couldn't wait for spring, and I'm sure you can't either, so I'm debuting my analysis of the first half of season two now!

(All pictures are screen captures from Home of the Nutty. I cropped and color corrected them to best display costume details.) 

While other debut costumes on the show carry traditional and/or Disney design motifs usually associated with the character, Aurora's costume is markedly different from what we are used to seeing on her. Neither her hair nor her dress evoke the Disney incarnation, which I thought was an interesting move on the costumers part - although the color purple is the happy medium between the debated blue/pink of the Flora/Merriweather battle. Her underdress is a careful mesh of light chiffon or cotton that flows gracefully over her body. The corset is very structured, with beautiful narrow binding.

Here you can better see the skirt, which includes strips of the same fabric used to cover the corset.

Mulan's armor is perhaps one of the most intricate pieces of the season thus far, and I do not envy the costumer who endeavors to replicate it! (This is one piece I cannot reproduce, btw).

Here we see some of the gorgeous detail of Aurora's circlet, and also the narrow rhinestone strap of her left shoulder, which is usually covered by her cloak.

While we certainly hope we'll see more of Phillip in the second half of season 2, the first episode remains our only glimpse of him so far. Which is a pity because his clothing is magnificent. I love the layers in the sleeves, and the sun emblem on his breastplate.

While Belle only gets one brief fairy tale dress in the first half, she nonetheless gets some droolworthy pieces in Storybrooke. This cute, modest gown is utterly gorgeous, with a simple neckline and three rows of feminine ruffles.

Here is Hook's original black ensemble, with good detail on the clasps holding his undershirt closed... or not so closed. Silver buttons and loops make this a high quality garment, and when coupled with the elaborate vest we can assume that Hook's pirating career has been... lucrative.

Tied with Belle for "Most fashionable Storybrooke resident" is Ruby, who here wears her traditional flare of red with an awesome necklace, snazzy leather jacket, and statement hat.

Perhaps the most popular of Belle's dresses, here we get a modern twist on her iconic 'blue' with the short hemline that suits her so well.

A better look at the neckline and dotted lace overlay.

Perhaps one of the most fabulous costumes of the season thus far is Mila's elaborate pirate wear. A richly studded leather corset holds her embroidered vest in place over a silver spangled chiffon blouse. And let's not forget the ever popular leather pants...

Also in the background we get a good look at Hook's long coat and a peek at his red vest (which is perhaps rather more plausible for this incarnation of the character than a full scarlet coat).

This may be one of my favorite Snow costumes thus far. Feminine, yet practical, brocade with bead dots, cream pipping, and lacing at the armholes and elbows, it is far more complex than appears at first glance. The silver belt gives it a regal air, although it shortens a torso that would probably look more flattering elongated.

A full length look at the costume, with a good view of the peplum, split skirt and leather pants.

Rear view of Snow's dress, and Lance's (mock velvet?) cape.

Another look at Charming's costume because, let's face it, it rocks.

Lancelot du Luc, with... a griffon emblazoned on his breastplate?

Our four kickass gals, featuring their iconic costumes. All of them look smashing, although I'm not so keen about Snow's costume design, as it doesn't really flatter her.

Another favorite piece. Regina has her favorite puffled sleeves under a rich, fitted leather jerkin, held in place by a detailed leather corset.

We don't get a good look at this costume, but I adore the detail on the collared cloak.

Speaking of collars! Let's drool over Rumple's stiff high version here, which is utterly dashing...

... as is the Mad Hatter's coat collar.

We get quite a different look with Dr. Frankenstein here, however, in a look reminescent of his story's eastern European origins, with the side buttoning also calling to mind certain types of lab coats (think Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog).

And here's a man lacking a collar... seriously, Daniel, the scarf is pretty but it's going to make us second guessing somethings...

Regina's very first black leather ensemble, which she dons after her attempts to ressurect Daniel fail. It sends a strong visual message - no longer the innocent girl in love, this is a queen on a mission for revenge, and she'll stop at nothing to get it.

I love how Hook tries to hide his pirate background by throwing a ragged doublet and scarf over his clothes. I also love that the doublet fabric looks like a curtain left over from the 80's.

How do giants manage their clothes? Do they have giant sheep they sheer? Giant silkworms? I know, it's fantasy... anyhow, I like what they did with this piece, particularly with the metal plates around his collar. They look kind of like shields to me...

No flashback clothes for Granny, but she gets a marvelously ruffled blouse and sweater in Storybrooke.

Ruby! Can I just have all of your clothes together? Here she wears a tunic that is evocative of the 70's in both print and style, a look which she can really pull off and still look contemporary!

Mirror image: Red in the Enchanted Forest. This episode gave us a good look at her cloak, and we were able to see that it is bordered in a red strip... but is it a border, or is it repairing a tear from an earlier episode? Anyone have any answers for that?

After seeing Ruby in pretty much one costume all of last season, it was funt o see her in another skirt and top ensemble. here you can get a decent look at the print on the skirt and the petticoat.

And here we can see the brocade laced top, with her gloves tucked into her belt.

Red's mother was an interesting design opportunity, and I think the team did a good job of imagining what the queen werewolf would wear. I love the use of fur... although there seem to be feathers as well, which I find funny because I just imagine a wolf getting caught raiding the chicken coup with feathers stuck all over it's fur...

Here we can see the peplum on Red's bodice, the looping up of her skirt, and a dark but better look at the layers draped over her mother's pants. (Seriously, this show has an insane love affair with leather pants.)

I included this one because it's a good look at Snow's sleeves. We dont' get to see her with long flowing sleeves very often.

Another Belle look! And it's back to her iconic gold, and the classy lace.

Cora really needs to learn moderation. Look at her intensely embellished bodice! And shawl! Which of course works perfectly for her character... just dripping "evil villainess"

I'll admit, although I love this costume, it seems very very 1930's to me, with little of a fantasy element about it. I'm not saying that it's wrong... it just seems a little out of character with the rest of Regina's clothing decisions.

Still, gotta love the velvet, the cut of the skirt, and the layers of silver and rhinestones.

Just look at that back!

Take a look at the detail of these costumes, which only appear in one or two shots. Layers, embellishment, buttons, contrasting fabrics, elaborate masks... it's a lot of work for minor characters, but it's the attention to detail that adds a whole new layer to the show.

I must say, I love what they did with the Queen of Hearts costume. I can't say it's a gown I'd want to wear, but it works perfectly for the character. Not just in color - it is styled appropriately Elizabethan.

Love the collar.

Here we get good, nearly full length looks at Cora and Hook, especially with Cora's richly trimmed cloak and Hook's finely crafted leather coat.

Regina really takes the cake with her unique headpieces, but this may be one of my favorites.

I love the layers going into the sleeves here, with feathers, and two layers that look like some kind of silk.

I like the effect of the gold on the purple here, especially with the layers involved in the sleeves.

I hope we get to see young Snow again this season! She's an adorable actress, plus it allows us to see OUAT take on youthful costuming, which so far they've excelled at. I love how this gown is basically a white version of the popular Disney gown.

This may very possible be my absolute favorite costume of the season. It is slim and flattering while still modest, making it a wonderful choice for the uncorrupted Regina. It also is a great blend of simplicity and rich details.

It is hard to find a good full-length look at this dress, but here we can see how the skirt behaves.

And a look at the back. (I am actually in the process of making this dress, so watch the blog for that costume diary!)

Regina, about to be married, wearing a crown and enough jewels to sink a ship.

I am intrigued by the blend of a Victorian neckline with the wide/narrow hoopskirt favored during the 1700's.

A closer look at the beading involved in Cora's dress.

I have mixed feelings about this dress. I love the brocade over dress - it's beautifully constructed, and the sleeves are so perfectly made. But...

The leather vest just strikes me as weird, and seems like it would chafe. Having no chemise/blouse visible under it is odd.

Finally, I'll leave you with another shot from the first episode, which shows Mulan before her identity was revealed... again, a masterpiece of a costume.

Are you as in love with these costumes as I am? Would you like to own a reproduction? Check out my costume commissions page to learn how! You can also browse through my Costume Diaries to see pictures of my previous OUAT costume work!

Want more "Once Upon a Time" costume goodness? Here are a few websites with some lovely pictures and ideas!

How to dress like Once Upon a Time
The Evil Queen's Costumes
Glamour's interview with OUAT Costumer
Once Upon a Time Wardrobe (Fan site)
Once Upon a Fashion


  1. I love this post! OUAT is my dose of costume prettiness each week. :) One day, I WILL make Belle's yellow gown!

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!! I love blogging about costumes! :)

  3. I came across a really great gigantic shot of Belle's golden dress through pure accident.

    Also, than you a million times over for finding a shot of the back of Snow's white riding(?) outfit. I've been struggling with how to craft it since I wasn't entirely sure it was or wasn't four individual panels vs one single piece of draping fabric and now I know. YES!

    Anyway, here's the image I found of Belle, the resolution is amazing so you really get a chance to see all the details in the embroidery.

    Belle's Tea Time

  4. Thank you Arie! That is a fantastic shot... I will be needing that for the two reproductions I'm starting soon.

    And I'm delighted my picture helped you!

  5. Thanks for posting these! I was looking everywhere for good shots of Regina's blue and silver dress. So helpful for ideas for middle eastern party clothing for myself =)

  6. These are awesome!!! I'm going to have to see if Amazon Prime has OUAT. I feel like I am seriously missing out--I've never seen the show.

  7. I agree that Snow's riding outfit would look better elongated, but given what we know now, I think it's safe to assume that the costumer raised the waistline due to Ginnifer's pregnancy. That, or the fact that she was, in fact, riding in it a good deal meant that it was uncomfortable at the normal waistline. Still, it's a GORGEOUS outfit, and I'm so glad to see full pics of it!

    1. This was the first half of season 2, though, and Ginnifer wasn't pregnant until just before they began filming season 3, so it couldn't have been for pregnancy reasons. The belt makes the shape issue more accentuated as well - they could have dropped the waist two inches and made the belt narrower and it would have been a lot more flattering and in no way uncomfortable for riding.

  8. Do you happen to know what season Cora's purple dress is from

  9. do you know what episode or season Cora's purple dress is from


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