
Monday, August 5, 2013

Ultimate Captain America - Part 4

Welcome back to the construction of a Captain America costume! This is part 4, so if you're behind, go back and check out part 3!

I didn't really have a proper head form to create this cowl on, and even if I did I don't have a good way to set it to specific customer head measurements. I'm really not a milliner. So if I ever make this particular costume again, I will not be creating a matching cowl. Be forwarned! I had committed to it for this costume however, so I gave it my best shot, starting off with a duct tape pattern on my homemade head form.

Pattern pieces transferred and cut.

Sewn with eye and ear holes and the piping inserted.

Binding along the edges.

Nearly finished...

It's all coming together!

Just have to sew on that American "A"

Not bad! Not amazing in my eyes, but workable for this and for what I was charging at the time. But, as I said, I will never make another cowl for any customer I can't fit in person.

Want the rest of this costume or something similar for yourself? Please take a look at the information on my commissions page.

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Welcome to the discussion! Please note that due to chronic illness, I am no longer taking commissions of any kind.

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