
Monday, April 16, 2012

Starting up a business!

I am just so beyond excited to be starting my own business. I've done some work on different ideas over the years, but the timing has never been right. Now however I've got the time, the need, a good product, and a fantastic business partner. Plus I'm just thrilled about the name: Your Little Princess Costume Design.

It's a lot of work to start up a business, but it's really exciting to see everything start to come together. Amanda e-mails me updates on the website every week or so and it just looks so professional and cool.

Meanwhile I'm busy working on patterns, designs, ordering systems, dress descriptions, and writing up sizing explanations. We've come a long way! Just today we confirmed our fourth model, so very soon I'll be sewing up the first dresses and we'll be scheduling photoshoots shortly. As soon as we have the photos we'll get them up on the website and I'll do the final pricing evaluation and then we'll be open for business!

As someone who loved playing dress-up as a child, it brings me such joy to create a costume that will be loved and treasured by a little one. They're not just pieces of clothes, they're keys to the world of imagination and keepsakes that will be saved and treasured. How blessed I am to be entering into a business that will bring many smiles and imagination to life!

Want to see the designs we've developed so far and track the latest news? Check out and follow our Facebook page! 


  1. That's great! I hope to start a small business soon too! Good luck

  2. Converting your passion into a business will take you far in the industry you chose. You will not only gain immense satisfaction from spending time doing what you love, but that same enthusiasm will naturally helps you compel everyone you come across in business - your employees, financiers and customers included.

    Bealle Jenner


Welcome to the discussion! Please note that due to chronic illness, I am no longer taking commissions of any kind.

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