
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Costumes of Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time there was a TV show with costumes so fantastical and gorgeous that all the young ladies who watched it fell hopelessly in love with the gorgeous dresses.

Well, maybe not all, but clearly the costuming department of ABC's "Once Upon a Time" has been working overtime to cloth its fairy tale citizens in gorgeous gowns, suits and armor worthy of Disney's visual history. In fact there are so many costumes that although I've spent the last month collecting pictures, I know this post is really going to just scratch the surface of the show's offerings. So I ask your pardon in advance if your favorite piece is not featured here. A big problem was finding good quality pictures of the Enchanted Forest costumes, so if you've got a good shot of a costume that was not included, send me a link and I'll add it!

First off, a few cool links I found that you might find interesting:

Emilie de Ravin (Belle) talks about the quality of the costumes on the show.
Eduardo Castro's design sketches for Once Upon a Time.
Detailed blog post from the Milliner who created the Mad Hatter's hats (and others!).

Above: although the detailing would prove impractical in real life, it nonetheless makes for pretty eye-candy here on the Huntsman. (Remember him? Poor, offed Graham?)

Above: as Hansel and Gretel flee through the woods, we get a good look at the detailing at the bottom of Gretel's skirt. No way to tell if it's a print or embroidery, but whatever it is it's very bohemian and rich.

Above: What's with the plunging necklines, Regina? Your dresses are so gorgeous, but you're not evil queen yet, you're the wife of a respectable king. Why is he letting you display yourself like this?

Above: How many variations on a white dress can we get? This beautifully detailed bodice with the delicate lace sleeves would make a gorgeous wedding dress, should Disney decide to add it to its line of wedding gowns. 

Above: Speaking of wedding gowns, Snow turns birdlike in this feathery frock. Does this have anything to do with Emma's real world last name of Swan? (I still think Emma could be the Swan Princess)

Above: It's not only the girls who get the gorgeous costumes in Once Upon a Time. Just look at the details and layering of lace on this regal robe for Snow's father!

 Above: I was delighted to see that OUaT didn't feel it necessary to copy the Disney gown in anything other than color here. Instead we got an absolutely phenomenally detailed gown with hundreds of flower embellishments.

Above: And as you can see here, the flowers continue down into the skirt.

Above: Here is our first look at Red. While her skirt is far too rich for a peasant girl, her bodice is absolutely gorgeous and I like the addition of the red gloves.

 Above: It was notoriously hard to find a good picture of Belle's yellow gown, but this scan gives us a good look at the detailing on her bodice.

Above: In contrast to the white purity evocative of an innocent dove in Snow's wedding gown, Regina's bird-like cloak reminds us of a crafty raven.

Above: Here is a good look at the rich gold trims and buttons on Prince Charming's royal coat.

Above: Here is a fairly good look at Regina's riding costume. Rich black brocade, scaly leather caplet, a sharply tailored corset and a jaunty black hat show this is a rich, independent and dangerous woman.

Above: Here we can see clearly the extensive detailing in Rumple's leather coat. It's heavily worn and crafted to give him a very animal-like appearance. However, despite its earthy tones, it is far too detailed a piece to belong to a peasant. He is a man of means.

Above: Here we see another outfit, this one featuring a tighter cut coat and awesome lace-up pants. Definitely some punk rocker influences here...

Above: In contrast to Rumple's details, we get Prince Charming's relatively simple woods outfit. It's in good condition, but otherwise does little to convey that he's a prince.

Above: Here we get a glimpse of Cinderella's fairy godmother in a gown that I wish had gotten more screen time. Just look at the layers and panels in that skirt!

Above: Here we once again get a bird emphasis in what is possibly the ugliest dress on the show, despite it's rich beading. However the color and shoulder cut bring to mind Sleeping Beauty - one possible identity I've heard suggested for Abigail.

Above: This photo gets a mention because of the gorgeous crimson insets in Prince Charming's gloves.

Above: Cinderella's lovely ball gown.

Above: While Charming looks dashing, Snow looks as though she's donned a prom dress. ???

Above: Seriously, sleeveless is not cool as it looks WAY too modern. Cinderella looks lovely though, and the light catches the beading on her skirt.

Above: I cannot stop thinking how much I adore Snow's gorgeous cloak! 

Above: The Genii meets Snow in the garden. Wish we had a better look at this dress!

Above: A good look at the rich fabric used for Belle's awesome cloak.

Above: Not an easy task to cast the Genii as a man when we're so used to the big blue puffball voiced by Robin Williams. But the costume helps as it is a very Persian looking ensemble.

Above: Another look at the cloaks of Snow and Red. And Snow's scarf! Just the layering and detailing here is fantastic. (I got to make a replica of Red's cloak. Check it out here!)

Above: In contrast to the puffy skirts of the princesses is this sleek gown worn by the water nymph. The beaded skirt evokes a fishing net and the shimmer of the fabric is very water-like in texture.

Above: The fairy costumes are so ridiculously overdone that they manage to be adorably fussy. 

Above: Ignore Abigail's crazy expression and drool over her fantastic Elizabethan-inspired costume that I am dying to recreate.

Above: a young, innocent Regina in a baby blue gown with a gorgeous bodice and limply unadorned skirt.

Above: and here is Regina as she was meant to be, feminine yet simple in this beautifully tailored sea-foam riding jacket. (See my reproduction of it here!)

Due to chronic illness, I can no longer take on costume commissions. However, I have written up blog posts about my previous OUAT costume reproductions and done many costume analysis posts that may be of use to you or your costumer in making your cosplay. Check them out here! 


  1. The costumes for OUaT are amazing!! Thanks for putting the pictures up! The costume designers did an excellent job when creating these. I cannot decide if I like Belle or Snow White's cloak more! :)

  2. You are so welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the post! And I know, the cloaks are just gorgeous! I want all of them!

  3. Oh, my very heart is sighing in ecstasy! Sooooo lovely.

  4. Thank you for the great post. I too adore these costumes. I'm attempting to re-create the riding costume from the Hansel & Gretal episode. But finding just the right hat is proving to be very difficult. Any ideas?

  5. I'm afraid I'm not very knowledgeable in the construction of hats (yet!). However it might be worth checking out the link I included to the milliner that worked on the Mad Hatter stuff. She's got a lot on her blog, and she might even have some good tips for you.

    1. Hi There! Thanks for the link to my blog! Mucho gracias! There will be new posts soon, I am woefully behind - so much hatting on the go right now! THe costumes department on OUAT is one of the most magical places I have ever been inside. The craftsmanship of those pieces is truly amazing - lots of hand sewing and detailing. I also made the hat for Abigail's riding habit, which was a very fun piece to create. Check out my Facebook page for daily updates and musings! Viva Oncers and Viva Hat Revivalists! Lovely blog entry for us costuming enthusiasts - well done. :) Kelly Dunlap, AKA, The Saucy Milliner

    2. Ooooh I loved Abigail's hat! Thanks for the inside peek at the OUAT costuming department - it sounds so cool! And I'm glad you enjoyed the blog post! :)

  6. Just watching the latest episode The Stranger - what's up with The Blue Fairy? So hideous compared with all the other costuming on that show. Seriously? Cleavage is fine, but to the point of camp is bad. And why giant platform disco high-heeled porn shoes?? Since when do fairies need shoes like that???

  7. You're not alone in those sentiments, bardgal! I've been disappointed and upset over The Blue Fairy's costume - especially since her Storybrooke counterpart is the Mother Superior! Inappropriate much?

  8. THANK YOU SO MUCH! It hasn't premiered here in Australia, yet - but I knew I just HAD to see more info on the costumes. You have done awesome to collate all these shots and your comments are great. Please don't stop!

  9. hi

    i am looking for better looks at the evil queens bodise constructions, collars and so forth andy ideas?

  10. Hi I was wondering could you make prince charmmings wedding outfit again? My wedding is based off this show and I am trying to find out if anyone can make it

  11. Yes, I can make it (although my commission queue is filling up quickly so it would depend on when you needed it.) Send me an e-mail at and we can discuss details.

  12. I have been looking for a match to the red jacquard fabric used for Red's cloak as seen in the episode "Red-Handed" ... I want to use it for a wedding cloak. And I'm excited to post that I think I found the exact fabric!!! It is called Neiman Red Jacquard and can be found on a few fabric sites ... I just ordered a swatch from My Designer Fabric ...

  13. I've been looking for a good picture of Snow's Cloak. Wouldn't by any chance happen to have any idea where to find something similar?


      There are screencaptures on that site, and I think it would be your best bet.

  14. Hello Elena, I realize that I'm probably very late in offering this up, but I have a website where there's a plethora of pictures on Belle's yellow gown and even one commenting on her hairstyle:

  15. OUAT lost my attention early in the season, but I'm considering giving it another shot just for the intricate cloaks! I'm still swooning from Belle's - hello gorgeous. That fairy getup makes me hesitant, but I love me a fresh fairytale interpretation.

  16. I’m searching Halloween costumes collection, has anyone sources to find assortment of Halloween costumes?

  17. Love your blog! Did you happen to catch a screen shot of Rumple's wife Mila in
    her pirate outfit? I thought is was a cool take on a pretty 'done' genre.

  18. Yes! And you'll see my thoughts on it when I get my post up on Season 2's costumes!

  19. LOVED this post! Found you via Pintered and plan to look around some more when I have more time!!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  20. I love some of the costumes (loathe others), but as I have some knowlege on historic fashion, I think it's a bad thing they don't have a common theme for this culture. Not saying it should be period in any way, just an identifiable OUaT way to dress. As it is now it's all over the map, which for me, takes all credibility out of it. Even a fairytale should be made believable. Still like the series though.

  21. I wanted to have a go at making Snow's cloak but i have no idea where to find the correct fabric. Do you know where i could get some?

  22. One of my commentators recommended this piece:

    I personally have not yet made that particular cloak, but for any specialized fabric it usually involves a lot of digging, either online or at the fabric warehouse.

  23. OMG! I love the Snow White ones!!! Thanks for posting these and making my day!

  24. I absolutely ADORE the costumes on this show! They designers have such imagination and skill!
    One good design that should've been here, I think would have to be King George in the episode where he talks to James to tell him to forget snow (season 1) The amazing detail on his costume was amazing!

  25. Gotta tell ya, the costumes are just wonderful and the creativity is stunning. Does anyone however ha a pic of the evil queens dress that had the DEEP V beaded back to it? It was loose so it swayed as she moved.

  26. Hello ! thanks for the post !

    I was thinking of recreating Abigail's riding gown, but the fabric looks very hard to find. Do you know were I can buy it ? Was it custom-made specially for the show ?

    Thank you in advance :)

    1. I don't know any specifics on that fabric, but I would suggest searching home decorator fabrics for something similar.

  27. Bonjour ,

    Je suis a la recherche de la veste noir d'Emma Swan dans l'episode 15 saison 1 je voulais savoir ou on peut la trouver ?

    Merci d'avance

  28. I'd like to second Anonymous's query on Jan 9, 2013. I'd love to get a closer look at the Evil Queen's black dress with the deep V beaded back. Anyone got any decent pictures?

    Anonymous 2

  29. I love the ladies' costumes but I'd love to recreate one of Regina's Fairytale outfits. For once, I'd like to be a queen.

  30. I Love Red Riding Hood's Costume!
    I Wish I Had It

  31. I love the yellow costume of Belle! I´m making it myself at the moment. I´ve got only the undergarments, but there will follow more. Here you can see it:

  32. Hexenart - I love it too, and would love to see your finished version!

  33. I am entranced by the shawl/wrap that Sleeping Beauty wore in the second season (mostly seen in the episode The Doctor). Any idea where I might find a similar piece?

  34. I have a degree in theatrical design (double major with English-dead useful, both of those!), and one of the many reasons I love OUAT is the costumes. I watch it for the story once, then I watch it again and pay close attention to the costumes. Such detail! It makes me swoon. Of course when Hook is on screen, even if it's my second viewing, it's hard not to look at his pretty, pretty face. ;) I like the costumes for him too. BTW, I too have also thought that Emma was the Swan Princess, especially after the gown she wore in the dream sequence with Charming, which had feathers along the top.

  35. I honestly wasn't a fan of some of the costumes. Some of them I felt were very tacky. Some had too much bedazzle in my opinion and far too much "boob". After watching Game of Thrones and going to this show I may have been a bit spoiled. I feel like sequins and silly accessories like the cowboy hat on Regina really threw me off, enough so that I needed to see if there was more people like me that were bothered and now I'm here. I can appreciate the intricate detailing but some of the accessories appear to be from a jewelry store that imports cheap plastic for preteens to wear. For the most part Abigail, Regina and Sleeping Beauty have been the ones throwing me off.

    My overall opinion is:
    The men all look fantastic, the commoners clothes are on par, the earth clothes are on par, less cleavage it looks cheap, less sequins and cheap looking jewelry/accessories.

  36. I really like your finished costumes. please share some Fairy costume in Green. I love to wear it .

  37. This beautifully detailed bodice with the delicate lace sleeves would make a gorgeous wedding dress, should Disney decide to add it to its line ...

  38. My site sells Snow white dress and Prince charming Costumes. Recently I also have been watching the TV series. I really love Evil Queen and love her smile. Black really is her color. Her costumes are gorgeous, but we have no one!

  39. I am wondering if there is anything special in E
    Emma's white robe in the Dream catcher episode, or I guess all of season 5, she wears it? It stands up so well around her neck. I have a old coverlet from a bed with the white jacquard that I think will work great. any suggestions on a pattern?

  40. The character i like most is the princess snowwhite, but i have to say i only saw the season 1 of "once upon a time" for the busy work, but i suggest you choose the site, here you can find all costumes for the characters in once upon a time


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