
Thursday, October 22, 2015

OUAT More Camelot and Glitter and Guinevere (5.3 and 5.4)

Wow, I feel almost over saturated with new costumes from "Once Upon a Time," do you?

(Screencaps edited from

By the way, if you haven't watched "5.3 Siege Perilous" and "5.4. The Broken Kingdom" you may want to hold off on reading this costume analysis.

I love love love Belle's green dress. We still haven't gotten a very clear look at it, but here you can sort of make out the princess seaming and the sleeve lines. It is basically the same as Regina's red velvet dress from the same scene, but the drastic difference in colors obscure this similarity. We could think of this green dress as OUAT's version of Belle's green dress from the animated film, since we haven't seen this incarnation of the character in a green dress yet.

This isn't really a costume thing, just appreciation of Papa Charming.

Speaking of Regina's red dress, they should just dress Lana in red all the time. She looks so amazing in it. (I think her sleeves might be a tad smaller than Belle's but it could just be a scale thing, as Emilie is pretty tiny).

Here we see Henry with a pale blue velvet cape, more of Regina's sleeves, and a new costume for Robin (which I like much better than the 5.2 offering)

The picture is blurry, but it shows how serious OUAT is about lacing details.

I wish we could have seen more of Snow's rose gold dress! The fabrics and detailings are esquisite, and we rarely see Snow in this color scheme (it looks pretty nice on her!).

But, of course, we have to keep Snow in white as much as possible... which isn't so bad when it gives us this gorgeous gown. I adore the exquisite lace appliques on the sleeves!

View from behind.

They are loving detail in this season, taking the opportunity to use as many beads as possible...

Now Zelena wears a dress that is in as much opposition to Regina as possible. Pale blue, coarse fabric, no excess sleeves... but still some nice detailing with the neckline and sleeves. Thematically she is visually similar to Robin Hood, with lots of lacing, simpler materials and subdued hues. 

There is a hint of wealth with those buttons at the sleeves though, as well as the shiny aglets capping off all of the ties.

And a back view for those looking to recreate the dress. I am guessing there are some boning channels running along the seams to keep it laying that smooth.

Emma gets short shrift this time around. The dress is gorgeous (and the cloak, below, even more so), but high waists do not suit Jennifer Morrison at all. I'm pretty sure they were trying to tie her look into Snow's, but whereas it works great for both Ginnifer Goodwin's stature and recent maternity status, it looks all wrong on Morrison. I kept wondering if she was pregnant or suffering really bad indigestion... which is too bad because otherwise Morrison looked completely ethereal in these episodes.

Cloak detail, dashing pirate, Henry back details.

Ethereal! And that cloak is made with super cool fabric.

But the real star of the fashion show was Guienevere, starting off when she was a little village girl.

Her style didn't change much over the years.

But then she became queen and my oh my, did she get an upgrade! I think this yellow gown is my favorite entry in her wardrobe so far. LOVING the crushed velvet.

EDIT: Several of you wrote in to point out that this is the same gown as the one worn by Rapunzel. WHOOPS! I totally thought "hey that is the same shade of yellow as Rapunzel's gown!" but I didn't actually think it was the same gown because as a costumer I'd never give the same dress to two different prominent characters (although it is lovely to see this gown again, as it is truly beautiful.) I suppose it is not impossible that Gwen and Rapunzel knew each other and Gwen gave the dress to Rapunzel for some reason? LOL costume continuity geek... anyhow,  See Rapunzel wearing it here.

Okay, the bodice might be a tad over-embellished (the border could have been half the size and still pretty large) but the fabric is enough to keep me happy. So soft and fluffy I'm gonna die! Wait, wrong movie...

Gwen's adventuring costume is very similar to Belle's (and I like the colors on Belle's better). EDIT a couple readers pointed out that this costume is also a recycle - Jaq wore it several seasons ago (as in our Jac the giant killer). Poor Gwen get's everyone's cast-offs.

I love the eyelet sleeves.

I am not sure what I think of this dress. It is all about showing off the necklace, which doesn't quite work because the neckline is so busy that the necklace and trim compete and cancel each other out. Also, the fabric makes me think of a 40-year-old in tight animal print clothing.

I think "Once Upon a Time" should win prizes for BEST CLOAKS IN A SHOW EVER. This one holds it own against everything the show has done so far (except maybe Ruby's because her's is the best). We don't get a good look at the pink linen gown, but here you can see that it is a divided sleeve with an undersleeve showing at the elbow (like Zelena's dress). You can also see the faint hint of a belt (like Regina's and Belle's).

I know I give the guys short shrift in these analysis posts, but you've probably noticed that I'm a sucker for Henry in fantasy clothes. We've just been waiting so long to see the kid make this all happen, and seeing him looking like the prince he is just makes me so proud and happy of him.

Here we see Snow that gray outfit\ we noticed in the premiere (Charming's is different). Turns out, it is not quite as plain as it looked at first site.

Here we can see the sweet texture of the coat fabric, the velvet of the cloak, and the rich lace trim bordering her sleeves.

Like I said, we're spoiled for choice here!

By the way, if you're interested on my thoughts regarding the storylines, check out my episode reviews over on my personal blog.

1 comment:

  1. I also love the new costumes on the show, thanks for your posting!
    By the way Guineveres yellow gown is the same gown we've seen on Rapunzel in season 3 ;)


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