
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Costume Queue is CLOSED.

UPDATE: As of 5:30 on 10/15/14, the costume queue for Confessions of a Seamstress is closed - except for cloaks. We are setting up a separate list for Red's Cloak -  if you're interested in any standard cloak for 2015, please get on the list if you are not already.

Otherwise, we will not be accepting any further orders until September, 2015 (and no deadlines earlier than 2/28/16). You can still send me cost queries, although it may be awhile before I respond, since I prefer to answer these in batches.

In the meantime, I hope you check back often for sewing tips, costume tutorials and pictures, and design critiques from shows like "Once Upon a Time" and (starting in January) "Downton Abbey."

Please make sure that you read the entire FAQ page prior to placing your order.

The queue fills quickly, and I will track it on the sidebar so you can see how fast it is filling up.

I am not taking any orders for Red's Cloak in this commission form - we are seeing up a separate queue for Red's Cloak, which should have the first completed batch done in March. Get on the mailing list so you can keep up today with pricing, order and deadline details.

STOP! Before you order your costume, you need to first send me a cost inquiry. This is how you find out:

  • Is Confessions of a Seamstress able to make your costume?
  • How much will your costume cost?

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Welcome to the discussion! Please note that due to chronic illness, I am no longer taking commissions of any kind.

Thank you for being polite and profanity free :)