
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cosplay Interview - Meg

I'm friends with a lot of people who love to pull together amazing cosplays. Every now and then I get to interview one of them... this time it's my friend Meg, who pulled together a simple but very effective Amy Pond cosplay that I'm in love with!

E: So, how did you decide to cosplay Amy Pond, and what made you pick this particular costume?

M: Well, I always really loved Amy. She's Scottish. I'm Scottish. She has red hair. I have red hair. She loves wearing nail polish, I love wearing nail polish.....she's a huge flirt, I'M a huge flirt! And she gets Rory.....and let's face it. Rory's like the coolest guy ever. Who WOULDN'T want him for a hubbie?! The only problem I was faced with was that as much as I loved her, Amy's outfits weren't exactly my style....ESPECIALLY those skirts! Whoo! Way too short for me, thanks! That's why I was SO EXCITED when I watched 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship' because FINALLY there was a costume that I wanted to do that was fun, and modest. That's why, when I found that amazing sweater in Forever 21, I went: YES! AMY! I can do Amy! And kinda went from there with getting the wig and the nail polish and stuff.

E: Where did you get the pieces for your costume? Any place you'd recommend for hard to find items?

M: As mentioned above, I found the sweater at Forever 21. The jeans were just normal skinny jeans you'd get wig I got at It was the 'Ferrari' wig in the 'dark copper red' colour. It was about 35 dollars....and then the nail polish I got at target. Same with the shoes.

E: What sort of reactions did you get at the con? Any funny stories?

M: Hahahaha.........everyone loved my Amy! I was the only Amy from that episode, so that was pretty great. I went with a group. There was me, my friend Andy went as The Doctor (11, of course!) and my friend Jenna went as Idris/Sexy. She got a BUNCH of reactions from fans!

E: How 'in character' are you?

M: Ha, I wish I could be more Amy-ish...but my Scottish accent is horrible!

E: Have you cosplayed before? Tell us about that.

M: Yes. I have cosplayed before...for midnight showings of movies and at Detour last year. It's so much fun. I love dressing up. I think that's the theatre major in me! I love doing unique characters/costumes that not many people see. For instance, last year at Con I was The Painted Lady/Katara from Season 3 of 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' and I was the ONLY one......I felt super awesome and special and got a LOT of picture requests. It was awesome!

E: What is your next cosplay adventure going to be?

M: My next? Oooh.......well, I'm planning on trying to do a Ms. Marvel costume based off your re-design drawing for CONvergence in July. I'm also planning on repeating Amy (and Wendy from Gravity Falls!) and I hopefully might be doing (a more modest version!) Irene Adler from Sherlock.....or possibly Merlin......I've got a few ideas!

Thanks for sharing, Megs! I'm really looking forwards to seeing that Ms. Marvel cosplay... let me know if you need any help!

Stay tuned for more awesome cosplay as I report live from C2E2 in Chicago this weekend!

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