
Saturday, April 27, 2013

C2E2 - Friday Costume Report

Costume extravaganza! This is only a tiny smattering of all the amazing cosplayers at C2E2...

My friend Jason as Tony Stark

Myself (Lorna Dane/Polaris) with an awesome Captain Marvel!

Impressive Nova Costume (thanks Matt for the ID!)

Jason with Lady Deadpool and She-Hulk

Classic Batman Group

There were SO MANY Doctor Who cosplayers! This was the only Oswin I found though!

Rockin' Star Wars peeps

Snazzy My Little Pony group!

J. Jonah Jamison!

Peter Parker! (he asked to take my picture first!)

Terrific Spike cosplay!

Tony Stark and Tony Stark

Me with my friend Mazzie as Rogue! (love her costume!)

Alicia and Mazzie with a Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch.

See more photos and a detailed write-up of the day over at my personal blog!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! There are some wildly awesome costumes. And I didn't see many Oswins at AD's weird.

    Also, "PONIES EVERYWHERE" is the new Con trend. XD


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