
Monday, January 28, 2013

Regina's White Dress - Part 1

The moment I first saw this gown, I fell in love with it, and desperately hoped someone would commission me to recreate it for them. Sure enough, I immediately got an order from a client I'd already been in communication with for another costume. She loved it just as much as I did, and was excited to get her very own replica.

Finding a floral weave to resemble the one used on the show was difficult - my assistant and I scoured the fabric warehouse, and then hemmed and hawed about whether this one was too yellow. I didn't think it was, as the OUAT scene had been heavily color corrected and this was likely what the original fabric actually was. My client approved, thankfully!

I purchased three yards, which was just enough for the pattern I drafted. If I were going to make a version for a taller client, I'd need more.

Side view of the sewn pattern pieces. Here you can see the slight train I incorporated, as a likely element of the unseen hem in the show.

Close, but not the smooth, snug fit the costume required. So I did some pinning, tucking and adjusting and...

Getting much closer! Here the bodice is finished and I'm working on the skirt.

I pinned down the front panels to get more of the fitted, straight look we were going for.

I then based the tucks in place with a dark colored thread, utilizing a loose slipstitch. I then sewed down the seam on the machine and removed the basting threads.

Read Part 2 for the rest of the story... sleeves, hems, and a very special bead trim...

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Welcome to the discussion! Please note that due to chronic illness, I am no longer taking commissions of any kind.

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