
Monday, December 3, 2012

YLP - Margaret, Part 1

In addition to making custom costumes for adults, I also run a business with my friend Amanda, crafting high quality dresses for little girls. This is called "Your Little Princess" and every single design is an original by me. 

For this dress, the client wanted our Margaret dress, done in red and white.

This project was actually begun quite awhile ago, when I still was given JoAnn's a chance to prove their mail order worth. This was the order that clinched the deal - I will no longer order anything color specific from the JoAnn's website. The red fabric was far too rust colored....

And the "cream" was a very definite yellow. So I stored both pieces away for future designs and went to the store in person to purchase the right fabrics.

I'm absolutely in love with the white fabric I did manage to find!

Making the ruffle for the partial underskirt.

Making the lining/slip.

Full lining/slip.

With ruffle!

Attaching sleevecaps to undersleeve.

Oversleeve, cut and hemmed.

Sleeve assembled! Check out part 2 to see the rest of the assembly and the finished dress!

Want a chance to win a 50% off coupon for the dress of your choice at YLP? Check out our Christmas Contest!

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