
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Breaking News! Husband remarks on Downton Clothes!

Thought some of you would appreciate this:

Nathan and I have been rewatching Downton Abbey, and Nathan says that this time through he is much more aware of the clothing and appreciates the designs and period changes. He even made a note of which of Mary's dresses was his favorite. (It's a cream fluttery one from season 1, I believe, but we watched it so quickly that I can't remember the episode. I liked it too.)

On the flip side, he is also more aware of the costumes as we watch Season 6. Every time Mary's purple shirt w/tie appeared on the screen last week he made faces. I don't think I've ever seen him more distracted by a weird costuming choice than me! I get that it makes period sense, it just looked very strange for us to see on Mary after five years of more feminine styles.

(We are watching the American airing, please do NOT talk about Season 6 if you have seen the full British schedule airing. I will probably cry if anything gets spoiled ahead of time. Thanks!)

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