
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Stuff's a bubbling, stuff's a brewing

The lack of awesome new content on the blog isn't because I'm not making stuff, but rather because I'm in the middle of some big projects.

Our first Cloak Batch with the new method is all set up - the queue is filled and the fabric is ordered! We're making four versions of Red's Cloak, one replica of Belle's cloak, and one replica of Snow's cloak. It's quite the undertaking!

I'm also hard at work on the steampunk pirate costume to accompany the gun I told you about last week. Lots of details on that one, so it'll be a bit before that is done.

I also have a Steampowered Giraffe vest replica that has been drafted but needs to be cut out, and a Kamelot jacket replica that needs the fabric sourced. Plus I'm supposed to be editing my manuscript for my publisher. Ahhhh!

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