
Monday, February 2, 2015

In which I discuss Steampunk, not the Superbowl.

While watching the Superbowl last night, my dad said I should begin this blog post with "We now take a break from writing about Once Upon a Time to discuss the Seahawks uniforms..."

Don't worry guys, I'm not going to do that (I was rooting for the Patriots anyhow).

I am hard at work on a couple of different costumes, and I'm going to give you a sneak peek at the design for one of them.

Here I've taken my original sketch, photographed it next to the trim that inspired it, and photoshopped in the brocade fabric we picked for the overskirt. Technology is Amazing.

This is the first time a client has commissioned me to design a piece specifically for them, so it's a tremendously exciting milestone. She's also getting a steampunk gun. You can see some shots of that in progress over here.

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Welcome to the discussion! Please note that due to chronic illness, I am no longer taking commissions of any kind.

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