
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Queries about Halloween Costumes (and the queue opening in general)

I've been getting several messages asking if I can make costumes in time for Halloween 2014. Sadly, my queue is much fuller than that, and in order to have gotten a Halloween 2014 safe deadline, you would have had to get in my queue January 2014.

Which means, if you want a costume for Halloween 2015, you'll want to get on my next queue, which I'll be opening this week!!!

I cannot promise any 2014 deadlines other than the ones I already have. I wish I could fulfill all of your costume dreams, but I can only work so fast and I have a manuscript due to my publisher, a family wedding to be in, and a bucketload of Christmas gifts to make.

The good news is that I am working out a system with two possible independent contractors to try and make more of my popular Red/Ruby's Cloak replica. Make sure you are on the queue opening alert list (see sidebar) to get all of the details about that!

This means I'll be spending less time personally on the cloaks (apart from finishing details) so that I can focus more on individual costumes. Good news all around, I think! I'm also trying to space my queue out to better allow for my unpredictable health issues and allow more time for any custom measurement situations.

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