
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Purple Nebula Skirt

Having just shipped off another Red's Cloak, I decided to whip myself up a skirt before getting to work on setting up the queue.

I've had this purple organza for ages, I just haven't had the time to do something with it. I decided to make a simple circle skirt. Basically I cut out a circle at the center of the rectangle, stretch sewed it into the knit underskirt/waistband, and then hemmed it to cut off the triangle corners and create a perfect circle.

The waistband and underskirt are salvaged pieces from a pair of yoga pants that were unwearable due to their waistband being taken out for another project. Very stretchy and comfy!

For the waistband, I just stretched the knit pieces to line up along the organza, then stabilized the waistband with some elastic. 

It probably took me a little over an hour to throw the whole thing together, and now I've got a fun new skirt! 

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