
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Want more "Seamstress Confessions?"

I like to keep my blog posts long and informative - but I've got a lot more to share! I love posting costume photos and blog posts that I find online over on the Confessions of a Seamstress Facebook page, along with quick updates and shorter 'confessions.' If you're already following me over there, make sure to like, comment and share often to make sure Facebook knows you want to see all of my content!

What if you want sneak peeks at my upcoming projects? Then you should check out my instagram. I post snapshots of WIPs, including some exclusive ones! Also featured here: knitting, GF food, pretty house things, and awesome people.

You can also come drool over awesome fashion and costumes with me at Pinterest. I have boards devoted to Clothing Design, Sewing, Crafty Things, Knitting, Embroidery, and MORE! You can choose to follow me, or just the boards you find interesting.

I also always post my finished costume photos on DeviantArt, and have a tumblr devoted to everything I love, including costuming.

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