
Monday, April 28, 2014

Red, White and Blue, "Once Upon a Time" showers us in costumes.

Wowee. "Once Upon a Time" seems to deliver its best episodes and its best costumes at the same time. "A Curious Thing" was wonderful on many levels, not the least of which was the glorious plenthora of new costumes.

Unfortunately, Amazon instant is not the best venue for grabbing screen caps, but I did my best. Here we can see Belle's costume from a few episodes ago in full length glory ( although looking a lot less purple here), as well as Regina's new furry ensemble. (This scene has been heavily color corrected, as seen by the lack of blue in Belle and Regina's costumes...)

That's right. Regina's costume isn't black, but rather blue, which evokes both "War and Peace" and The Cookie Monster with all that blue fur.

Glinda makes a short appearance (looking weirdly like Emma), but goes very Snow Queen rather than puffy pink tulle in an elaborately beaded taffeta gown. (OUAT likes high collars.)

Here we have a nice full length shot of the new pieces, including Snow's amazing red dress, and another look at Aurora's new attired (although she still remains fully cloaked). With the back view we notice that Regina has some lovely lacing detail on her coat.

And here we have a close-up on what may be the most elaborately embellished collar yet. Does it look a bit familiar?

Snow's gorgeous rich coat/dress also pays homage to the animated film with the puffed and slashed sleeve details. It may be missing the blue and yellow, but she can sure wear that red well!

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