
Friday, March 28, 2014

Belle Gold Part 3

I'm always thrilled when I get photos from my happy customers of their costumes in action, because it doesn't always happen. Most people are pretty generous about sharing their snapshots though, and I've had a few customers e-mail me with photos quite some time after receiving the product - always a happy surprise when I check my inbox!

I was honestly not expecting to get photos from the Belle Gold dress I did last year, but yesterday I opened up my work email and was ecstatic to get the following two photos (which my customer graciously has allowed me to share here).

This dress had been created especially with the purpose of being worn for dances, and here we get to see it on the spot! (I'm loving the Scottish garb of her partner!)

There's something else special about this gown as well. My client decided that she wanted more sparkle on the bodice, and redid the central embroidery. I have to say I don't blame her one bit - the stuff I did was rather rushed at the end to get it to her on time, and what she did here is amazing! I'm totally inspired to go overboard the next time I get a chance to replicate this dress (and  now that I have an embroidery machine that should make it easier as well). Anyhow, she did a fab job and it's so cool to see a piece I made being brought to even greater heights of gorgeousness! Can you believe this is her first such decorative project?

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