
Friday, January 3, 2014

Soon and Very Soon!

I am dying to show you all what I've been working on for wedding stuff... the alterations we're doing to the dresses, the extra things I'm making for part of the wedding party, the centerpieces...

...but alas, that's all top secret for now. Soon and very soon... January 27th will mark my return to full presence on the internet, and hopefully friends and family will take enough photos for me to share with you by then! (Our official photos won't arrive for another six weeks after the wedding... but don't worry, I'll share plenty of those too!)

In the meantime... what could this be? Full blog post coming when I get back!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! That will be so much fun. I hope all goes well for you two!

    On another note, I'm trying to send you a cost inquiry form and the email system keeps failing on me, so I'm unsure if the message has been sent. Please let me know and I apologize if you get multiple emails.

    - Lauren


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