
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sculptures all dressed up

Classical sculptures often look like distant relics of the past, with proportions and poses of their own era.

Or are they?

Leo Caillard and Alexis Persani have beautifully merged photography, lighting and the magic of the computer to clothe some famous statues from the Louvre Museum in modern clothing. The end result is to bring these ancient artifacts and their historical models infinitely closer to us modern observers.

The one I've shared here is probably my favorite of the series, but I also really love the Hercules one. You can see that and the rest of the gallery at Caillard's page, or read more about the process at Resource Magazine, or watch a making of video at the Huffington Post.

What do you think? Are there other famous statues/works of art you'd like to see in modern dress?

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