
Thursday, August 22, 2013

No, it's not Merida, I swear!

Years ago, before my work sewing got so intense I didn't even have time to sew for myself, I made a costume for my dear friend Meg as a birthday/Christmas present.

And when I say years ago, I mean six years ago. Long before Merida came on the scene. Still, uncanny resemblance, no?

Anyhow, Megs and I have been meaning to get a photoshoot of this costume for awhile. Finally were able to last week.

The costume needs a bit of reworking, since it was made for a teenager and Megs is now quite grown-up! Perhaps a future birthday/Christmas present?

But overall we are still both very happy with this piece, which we had a great deal of fun designing together.

My kitties seemed to enjoy the photoshoot as well.


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