
Friday, May 24, 2013

X-Men & Downton Abbey Fashion

Downton Abbey love is everywhere - even on the pages of the X-Men comics! Well, one of the Variant Covers, at least. As the adjectiveless "X-Men" title starts over its numbering with a landmark issue featuring an all-girl line-up, it's released several AMAZING variant covers - including a Downton-Inspired one. (My other favorite is the X-Baby one by Scottie Young) Not that Kevin Wada is the first to mash up X-Men and Downton... I did my own (literary) take on it back in January. But I digress.

L-R, Rachel Grey (Marvel Girl), Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Elisabeth Braddock (Psylocke), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Anna Marie Raven (Rogue), Jubilation Lee (Jubilee).

I am in terrible need to possess a physical copy of this.

I love the stripes/pleating on Rachel's dress, the Asian color scheme on Betsy's, the gorgeous Edwardian skirt paired with the bold African patterns on Ororo's, The green/teal tiers of Rogue's gown (and that hat that just screams Southern picnic!), and the firey gradiants/beading on Jubilee's dress that call to mind her former powers. (Sorry Alicia!)

And of course, in the background we have the Jean Grey School in place of Downton Abbey.

What's not to love? What do you think, which ensemble is your favorite?

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