
Friday, April 12, 2013

What's Happening in the Sewing Room?

Wow. You would not believe how much sewing has been happening here in the last week. With the help of my assistant and my sister we got Belle Blue #4 done and shipped, and the Padme Wedding Gown veil and underdress shipped (see my facebook for sneak peeks of both!). The overdress is still under construction, which is okay because the underdress is the alteration-possible piece.

I think my longest day clocked in at 10 hours, and most of that was handsewing beads and battenburg lace. Wow. I literally had trouble holding my pointer finger straight after that. Understandable, then, that I didn't sew yesterday and instead caught up on all of my knitting and crochet projects. (I knit, crochet and quilt for fun.)

Upcoming? Finishing Captain America (he kindly allowed me an extended deadline so I could get the wedding dress done), creating a Homestuck Cosplay (it's going to be nifty!) and making Red's cloak from OUAT. Then there are some more OUAT and Star Wars pieces to do...

...not to mention my very own costume to make for C2E2! Lorna Dane's latest X-Factor uniform! (Complete with green wig!)

Anyhow, next week is the Daffodil Dash at JoAnn Fabrics, so you can trust I'll be taking advantage of that!

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