
Monday, February 25, 2013

Wig Help?

(Migraine is finally over, so I should be replying to those e-mails tomorrow, God willing!)

Okay, so I'm great with costumes, but am still newish on the wig scene and would love feedback on my current search.

Polaris Wig Shopping Time
Having gotten some lovely birthday money, I can now seriously start looking at Polaris wigs. This ( is the cosplay I’m doing, so I need to find a wig to approximate that (preferably not more than $50!)
What I’ve found: (this one might work - anyone know anything about cosplayfu?) (This would be interesting, as Lorna has worn her hair up in this style in the most recent issues of X-Factor) (Cut, I don’t think the curls would be a problem, but I’m not sure about the bangs…)
—-> Current Favorite: (No bangs, comes in green, and is on sale!)

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