
Saturday, February 2, 2013

And "The Hunger Games" is the winner...

Based on the info from the poll here and on my Facebook page, "The Hunger Games" was the clear winner to be the subject of my next "Costumes of..." post. This will be followed by something about X-Men costumes, although I'm going to have to make a plan for that one, as there are about fifty years of comics, movies and TV shows to analyze. Might just do individual characters...?

Anyhow, I'll be working on that when I'm down in Florida and not enjoying the beach. I have two weeks away from the sewing machine (which is where I'm spending most of my time now trying to get everything done) in which the focus will be the computer... when I'm not in the sun. Y'know, screen glare and all that. So the blog posts will get more frequent and I'll also do better at answering correspondence.

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