
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Cute Housekeeping, or How to Make an Apron

Hey friends, crafty people, and homemakers! Slightly different sewing project getting detailed today, but I'm excited about it! :)

A couple years ago my sister found this apron and gave it to our mom for Christmas. I was quite envious (of course!) but never got around to replicating it for myself.

This year, however, I'm trying to use up some of the fabric that I've been storing since high school, and I thought that the pieces displayed above would make a gorgeous apron... or two! As I cut out the main cream fabric, I realized I had enough to make two aprons, so I decided to create one as a Christmas gift for a friend as well!

Apron ties and ruffles!

I used my new narrow hemmer foot to create this gorgeous edge!

I ran a little short on my chosen red print, so I added another in. I decided to sneak a couple extra ruffles on as well, for another feminine touch.

The serger at work, finishing off any exposed seams!

Pinning on the pocket.

Nearly assembled!

Finished! I was very happy with how both aprons turned out! The blue apron is nearly identical, except it lacks the pocket and neckline ruffles, and has the pocket on the opposite side.

The bodice piece is also slightly different on the blue apron, as I used a specialty stitch across it.

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