
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Once Upon a Time Puppy Costumes!

I've never had a chance to do animal costumes, but recently Susan approached me for advice in creating costumes for her two dogs. As I was already overbooked for Halloween I was unable to help her, but I did immensely enjoy seeing the finished results, which Susan graciously allowed me to share with all of you!

Aren't they adorable? On the left is "Queen Regina" and on the right (I believe) is "Rumplestiltskin." The costumes were created by Susan and the puppies 80-year-old grandmother Isabel.

Have your own Halloween or costume memory you'd like to share? Send your (appropriate!) pictures and stories to elenatintil [at] gmail [dot] com.

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Welcome to the discussion! Please note that due to chronic illness, I am no longer taking commissions of any kind.

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