
Friday, June 22, 2012


So last week I was in JoAnn's and they were selling some of their floor model machines. Guess what I got?

$800 serger machine for $300. 

For those of you who don't know, a serger is the machine used to create the seams you see most often on t-shirts and other clothing made from knit fabric. It also works much faster than a typical home sewing machine. Finally it is the way to finish off interior edges so they don't fray. Remember all those french seams I had to put in my organza? No more!

Yeah the inside is kind of scary.

What's really exciting is that it is a five thread overlock. I was really afraid that I wouldn't be able to afford more than a four thread, which can't even do half of what a five thread can do. God is good!

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