
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Princess Gown - Part III

We've dealt with patterns and organza- how how about finishing the dress?

I choose to line the interior of the sleeves so that the edge of the organza won't be exposed and irritate the skin of the little princess.

Here we've got the sleeves taking shape...

But they're not finished until I lay down the trim!

Believe it or not, you don't actually have to use metallic thread on metallic trim. Here a grey thread works perfectly fine.

I'm careful to baste all the edges. This keeps the fabric and lining from moving around and getting all weird.

Bodice is nearly done!

For a skirt this narrow, we need some very careful hemming, so I pin the dress onto my dress form and use my clever hemming attachment and a marker to mark out an even hem all the way around.

Something else about a narrow skirt - it has a very curved hem, which means if you're doing more than 1/2 inch deep, you'll need to run a gathering stitch and pull it up slightly to make the hem lie flat.

Look how neat and crisp the skirt looks!

Once the bodice and skirt are attached, I have to set in the zipper. I goofed up a bit and accidentally tore a very small slit in the edge of the organza. To keep it from fraying or being terribly obvious, I run over the edges with a bit of clear nail polish.

And then for a finishing touch, a little YLP to designate this as a "Your Little Princess Costume Design" creation.

And then I took the dress over to my model and got some gorgeous pictures!

Want a dress for your own little princess? Head over to our facebook page and keep an eye on it, we'll be launching the website very, very soon!

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