
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spinning Wheels and such

Been sickish, but I did get my spinning wheel out last night. The piece attaching the pedel to the wheel is broken, so I'm going to have to get that fixed before I do any major spinning, although I might try out the drop spindle.

In the meantime, I'm nearly finished with the first Rebecca costume for YLP! Check out for pictures!

I'm also about to start work on a project that's going to require dye work, so I'm prepping for that.

And also I'm looking forwards to seeing new costumes on Once Upon a Time tonight!


  1. I've used a drop spindle before! and those are pretty easy to handle though I haven't used either of the ones that I have in a long time.

  2. Ack, I dind't know you have a spinning wheel! Pictures?

  3. Yes, I have a spinning wheel, drop spindle, carders, and a couple small looms. I'm hoping to do a photoshoot with them once the wheel is fixed and it dries out outside. :)


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