
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Of Dyeing and Spinning Wheels

How was everyone's Memorial Day? It was rather an intense weekend for me, as my great-grandfather died and my cousins from out of state came in for the funeral and to visit. Hence the rather long internet hiatus.

However I have been working on several new projects. I have another dress for Your Little Princess nearly completed and there will be pictures arriving from that soon! I also am working on a piece based on a "Once Upon a Time" costume that I'm quite excited about. This will involve some dyeing, so that should be quite an interesting experience to write about.

Shaylynn asked for pictures of my spinning wheel, which unfortunately has a piece broken so I need to get that fixed before I can use it properly (which reminds me, I need to go research that!). However I may go ahead and do a photoshoot with my drop spindle and carders anyhow. I have one drop spindle that was made by my great-grandfather who was a master woodworker, and I'd love to have some photos of it in action.

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