
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Guest Cosplay - Jubilee of the X-Men

Those of you who are long time X-Men fans will likely remember Jubilee best as the kid member of the team in the 90's Animated show. She remains to this day one of the most high-profile mutants to have lost her powers in M-Day - a loss that in her case actually stuck. 

Many fans were annoyed that Marvel cashed in on the vampire hype to have Dracula's son, Xarus, turn Jubilee into a vampire in an attempt to snatch Wolverine. However my good friend Alicia - the most die-hard Jubilee fan I've ever met - broke a long time hiatus of X-Men reading to follow the vampire plotline. And despite her loathing of Twilight, she felt that Jubilee's story was actually very true to vampire mythos and well written. In fact she was so enthusiastic about it, that she got me into it well and I have a much higher appreciation of the character thanks to Alicia. 

Alicia has been planning to do a Jubilee cosplay for quite awhile, and is finally getting the chance for the C2E2. I was so impressed with her costume that I asked if she'd be okay with me sharing it here on the blog. She was delighted to agree! 

 I asked Alicia to share with us a bit about why she chose to cosplay Jubilee, and also how she went about assembling the costume.

"Jubilee was my childhood hero, I liked her confidence and spunk and the fact that she didn't let any thing keep her down for long. She was a kid who hung with the adults and a real survivor. Maybe more so than any other character. Her attitude really struck a chord with me as a shy kid who was talked over all the time. I wanted to be her.

The body suit is underarmor and workout tights matching blacks. The shoes I got are Reebok wrestling shoes I got from a discount outlet store. The jacket was from Target and the shades were from Hot Topic. The fangs are the Lucien veneers from The leather gloves were my grandmothers."

Want more Jubilee? Alicia runs a blog where you can ask Jubilee questions... and she responds with hilarious drawings! Check it out!

 Look at that vampire swag! Normally the fanged ones aren't my thing, but how can you resist that sass and jacket?

Have a cosplay you want to share? Let me know about it at elenatintil [at] gmail [dot] com

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