
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Thank you! Now, what would you like to read?

I just wanted to take a moment to thank my readers. It's been an interesting journey on this blog (which has passed it's 6 month anniversary - hurrah!), with a lot of stops and slow times, and variation in articles as I figure out exactly what I'm passionate about sharing and what you all are passionate about reading. I really appreciate the patience and support!

I would absolutely love it if you'd take a minute to leave a comment letting me know what kinds of articles you've appreciated reading on here in the past, and what you'd like to see more of in the future!


  1. I'd love to see more of your projects and to read about tips etc.

  2. Thank you for your input! The lack of projects recently has been due to my own ill health (I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease that required surgery last fall), but I have plenty of plans for the upcoming months and I will share them all with you!

    Are there any particular tips you are interested in?

  3. I'm really interested in your projects too, and I love reading your articles about various costumes in television (Downton Abbey especially-I love that show :-)

  4. Thank you! It is so encouraging to hear that my projects are interesting! And I'm really glad you like my costume articles, I find them so fascinating to do! I guess I'm an incurable costume geek, hehe!


Welcome to the discussion! Please note that due to chronic illness, I am no longer taking commissions of any kind.

Thank you for being polite and profanity free :)