
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prince Caspian Premiere Costumes

Back in 2009 I spent most of my spring making meticulous costumes for the midnight opening of Prince Caspian. It was a ton of work but also a ton of fun and very satisfying. I really enjoyed digging through trailers and promotional pictures and the tie-books that were released prior to the movie to make the costumes as accurate as possible. Several costumers on Narniaweb were also doing their own reproductions and it was a great community resource to share tips and pictures. 

Although I wrote detailed costume diaries for most of the work, I never got pictures of the finished products up on my blog. Probably because I got very busy working on Beauty and the Beast shortly after and that consumed all of my creative energy.

Anyhow, here at long last are the finished costumes. 
 Above: Caspian and Susan. It took me 40-45 hours of work to make both of these pieces.
 Above: Edmund. I didn't have the budget or time to go more elaborate here, but I still managed to churn out a pretty sweet looking piece.
 Above: Lucy. Although I did the research and created and cut the pattern, my sister did the actual sewing and creation of the accessories.
 Above: A closer look at the sleeves and daffodil applique. All of the gold was attached by hand.

 Above: A look at the back. The lacing eyelets were all hemmed by hand.


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