
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Confessions: The Little Sewing Things We Forget and Then Make Elizabeth Do

I did a lot of sewing today, but you're not getting pictures from it. Why?

Because the life of a seamstress isn't just glamorous designing. It's also a life that, if used responsibly, means mending things rather than throwing them away. (And not just for oneself, not after your friends learn you can sew! Yes, I do charge $)

I've been going through every item of clothing I have in preparation for the college move. Some things have been fun redesign projects (like the t-shirt I showed you yesterday). Others, however, are a great deal simpler and are hardly more than mending. Five minutes and I'm done. But if you have enough, those five minutes can add up...

Being a costumer also involves some unusual laundry practices. I blogged about them on my personal blog, you can read the post here:

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