
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Want to commemorate your costume on the cover of a classic novel?

If you're reading this page, chances are you have an interest in costuming, and quite possibly a closet full of costumes just waiting to get used.

Have you ever thought about putting them on a book cover?

How about a version of any classic novel with you and your costume on the cover?

Okay, I'm a little biased about this because it's based on an idea my dad came up with awhile ago. I realized that I wasn't ever going to be interested in offering the service myself, but that my friend Jansina (of Rivershore Author Services) would be the perfect fit to execute the idea! 

Anyhow, I'm still deciding which classics to do a proper photoshoot for, but in the meantime you can see one of my previous photoshoot photos on the cover of Pride and Prejudice!

I think this would be a great gift to give any lover of the classics, but particularly anyone who has recently participated in a theatrical production of a classic or written a dissertation on a classic or has a collection of historical costumes that they love to put to good use. 

Many theater groups purchase commemorative t-shirts for a production, but I can't help but think that a copy of the book for everyone with a cast photo on it would be a cool memento as well. Jansina's pricing is pretty comparable to the t-shirts - $25 for the first book, and then $10 for any copy with that same cover after that.

Order Here.